Monday, March 15, 2010

New Exhibit in Huntington Town Hall features 1930's Girls’ Dress and Ladies Gloves from Saks Fifth Avenue, New York

For Women's History month 2010, the Huntington Town Clerk's Archives has mounted an exhibit in Town Hall that highlights the activities of prominent women in Huntington over the years. This is a co-operative effort of the Huntington Town Clerk's Archives, the Huntington Historical Society and the Huntington Public Library. Among other artifacts that this exhibit features, is a girl's dress and a pair of vintage, 25" long, white kid gloves from Saks Fifth Avenue. One of many styles of ladies’ gloves of the times. These are only a few of the elegant pieces on loan to the Archives from the Huntington Historical Society. The exhibit will remain on display until the end of April 2010 and it is free of charge. Exhibit panels and cases are located in the lobby of Town Hall, across from the Town Clerk's Department, and on the third floor across from the Council Office.

For more information about programs and events of these institutions

Huntington Public Library-- (631) 427-5165 x250, Main Library, Teresa Schwind

Huntington Town Clerk's Archives--Jo-Ann Raia, Town Clerk/RMO

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Conklin House Lecture Series

On March 18th,at 2 pm, The Huntington Historical Society is presenting a lecture given by Dr. Natalie Naylor entitled, "US Presidents and First Ladies, The Long Island Connection."
President Theodore Roosevelt is well known as a Long Islander, but a number of other presidents or their wives also had some connections with Long Island, sometimes before or after their presidency. The Huntington Historical Society is please to presnet this special lecture in recognition of Women's history Month.
HHS Member: Free
Non-members: $5.00
For reservations, please call 631-427-7045 x403.